Free Verse Poem- Break the Wall

I am trapped behind the wall.

Lights show from the other side,

But I feel darkness.

I start clawing at the wall with my bare hands.

I cry my way out and find God.

He is brighter than a thousand fireflies,

Taller than the tallest skyscrapers,

Bigger than the biggest clouds in the sky.

He holds the universe on his finger,

His humming makes the wind that blows the windmills.

He teaches the birds their loving songs,

He holds us all in his lap,

And he will never let go of his children

And the wall will never be rebuilt!

I Slap Floor Mystery

Quick note: words may be spelled wrong do to the character’s personality!


May 12th, 2023


August, can you rite rite now?

Sure can. Just make sure Miss. Toldempole doesn’t see us passing notes back and forth. 

Good!! i have news! Did you hear about what happened last week?

No. I was on vacation to Alaska.

You haven’t heard about it yet? It’s all over school! There was a ghost!

I don’t believe in ghosts! Are you tricking me like the time you told me a vampire lived in the library?

No! This is true! i saw it with my own eyes! It all started in english class. mrs. harold droned on about adverbs or pronouns or somethin’ and then there was this shriek! It was loud and ear piercing and gross! Then there was this stench and it reeked of rotten flesh and old bones. 

Ewww! So gross! But let’s get to the point, did you SEE the ghost?

i was getting there! Everyone was super freaked out and half of the class passed out from a mixture of the stench and the shrieks. Those of us who had guts like me ventured on. There was me, oscar and natalie. We saw that the vent was open near the window so we climbed in.

How come you did get caught? Wasn’t Mrs. Harold yelling at you? She loves doing that!

I know rite! She was out cold before the stench! Anyway, we went into the vent and bear crawled through the vent. The stench was super strong! Oscar claimed he left a pie in the microwave and took off crawlin’. natalie and i bravely crawled through the stench. I waited for Natatlie to leave of faint of somethin’ and once she was officially gone by the third squeal, i was on my own.  

How were you not scared? If I heard the squeal, I would have taken off screaming and then I would have fainted!

Just what i thought! You would be too chicken! Anyway, i crawled on and i saw this light. It burned my eyes! Then, i was staring face to face with a ghost! 

That’s not true! You are just playing another one of your mean tricks!

i am not! i was so freaked out! i couldn’t take a pic though. the next thing i knew the ghost took me! Luckily, i was able to escape. Everyone forgot about it because they all fainted, but not me.

How come you didn’t forget?

i slap floor.


If you are confused on “I slap floor” Then remember that the day this took place was on the first day of the 4th month!